209-984-3952 jd@daviddesign.com
Orange Crate Art

Orange Crate Art

Vintage fruit crate labels combine advertising with mythology and fantasy. The rich saturated colors and unique hand lettered type transforms these relics into works of art.


There is inspiration to be found both low and high. Hand worn things, old paper. People sure throw away a lot of cool stuff.
Karl Schulpig

Karl Schulpig

Timeless simple visual language. These little icons communicate quickly and with humor. Designed this logo for Sierra Nevada Adventure Company in 1990.
Honeybear Surf Wax

Honeybear Surf Wax

Honeybear Surf wax is hand made from bees wax. Design emphasized craft aspect & name recognition. Small budget, I now have a lifetime supply. View more branding and identity projects by David Design.